Specialized Portable Hardness Testers
portable hardness testers pht-1840

New! Gear Teeth Portable Hardness Tester
Model No. PHT-1840

Same features as 1800 but with DL impact device
Portable Hardness Tester specializing in testing large hard metal parts in confined spaces

portable hardness testers pht-1740

New! Gear Teeth Portable Hardness Tester
Model No. PHT-1740

Same features as 1700 but with DL impact device
Portable Hardness Tester specializing in testing large hard metal parts in confined spaces

portable hardness testers pht-1850

Portable Hardness Tester for cast/rough parts!
Model No. PHT-1850

State of the art, digital portable hardness tester is designed to test the hardness of cast,and large hard metal parts with rough surfaces.

portable hardness testers pht-1750

Portable Hardness Tester for cast/rough surface parts!
Model No. PHT-1750

Loaded with features, this economically priced portable hardness tester is capable of measuring the surface hardness of a broad variety of metals on flat and round surfaces.